"I can do it"
- Sometimes it's so easy to utter this word
- But yet how many of us really believe than we can achieve something that we always wanted but deep inside we know we couldn't
- We're just not good enough.
- We're just too small
- How can we achieved something big.
- How?
- It's sad when we are alone.
- No one there for us.
- We feel so lonely
- There's like no hope at all.
- We keep waiting for something and eventually we get tired
- Tired of our own game
- Tired of our self
- Tired of feeling down.
- We wish someone will come for us
- Guide us
- Give us ample support
- Love us
- Care about us(reallycare)
- For this one, i dont think i have the answer.
- Please whoever who read my blog(if there any)
- Give your insight
- Please help me.....................
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